
Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Yeah, we have another Brady SB to look forward to in 2022. Still, he annoys me less since he ceased to be a roadblock in the Jets' division. Now about that Mac Jones guy.......


The Green Knight
Jet Fanatics
Happy New Years, Fellas!!!! (to all but @Tinstar & @NewMFS62).... I happen to be a UF GRAD- 1994.

Two Things to remember:
1.) if you ain't a Gator, you're Gator Bait!!!! 🐊
2.) The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's @$$ every day...we will be back!!!

PS, just kidding...hoping EVERYONE has a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.


The Green Knight
Jet Fanatics
Yeah, we have another Brady SB to look forward to in 2022. Still, he annoys me less since he ceased to be a roadblock in the Jets' division. Now about that Mac Jones guy.......

in basketball, as a Knick fan, i always appreciated Bird's greatness even when it came to his wins over the K's.
in football, as a Jet fan, i always appreciated Marino's greatness even in wins over the Jets.

as for TB12, i got nothing. he is an annoying whiner.



Mr. Know it All
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Happy New Years, Fellas!!!! (to all but @Tinstar & @NewMFS62).... I happen to be a UF GRAD- 1994.

Two Things to remember:
1.) if you ain't a Gator, you're Gator Bait!!!! 🐊
2.) The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's @$$ every day...we will be back!!!

PS, just kidding...hoping EVERYONE has a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.
Feeling the love . About that dog, you think maybe it can walk by the Jets and bring some of that sunshine with it .
Happy New Year GFU Family . Here’s to an awesome, exciting, safe and healthy 2022 . God bless you all .


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
It's two hours to midnight here in the UK. Returning from the pub and some heavy gravity beer, I am watching the Alabama formality and will be recording the more interesting Georgia-Michigan game to watch tomorrow. I am horrified by the draconian covid laws that the New York legislature are to consider in the New Year, including the ability to arrest and detain anyone who is unstabbed, and hope that the fans here manage to escape. Perhaps it isn't all bad after all that the Jets play in Noo Joisey.


The Green Knight
Jet Fanatics
I wouldn't call 2021 a horrific season. Heck. We doubled our wins from last year's Adam Gase nightmare:puke:.

Happy New Years Eve JFU (and hopefully one of these coming years our Jets can unite our fan base and community with a season turned playoff birth).

PS: Always draft FSU players and always ignore Gators. NYJets historically speaking have drafted awesome FSU players turned Jets in comparison to the busts drafted out of Gators (Drafting Gator Marcus Maye over FSU #4 Dalvin Cook was criminal too).

Yup...this guy is longing for something to go in his mouth; just can't put my finger on it :unsure:
