2024 Summer Olympics


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Air drumming to Who or Rush tunes is a must.

Did kids in Jr. High do the Wipeout thingee on desks in your time?

Desk drumming might be another medal

How about:

Construction Guy Girl Rating:
Harken back when the brutes would line the sidewalks during breaks and yell out ratings
Update that practice today and the medal goes to whoever survives the appropriate retribution with their yarbles intact


Jet Fanatics
Did kids in Jr. High do the Wipeout thingee on desks in your time?

Desk drumming might be another medal

How about:

Construction Guy Girl Rating:
Harken back when the brutes would line the sidewalks during breaks and yell out ratings
Update that practice today and the medal goes to whoever survives the appropriate retribution with their yarbles intact
LOL at "yarbles".

Yup, we did the desk drumming to "Wipeout". Later, we used car dashboards as full drum kits with crash cymbals and possibly gongs. No joke, my brother and his friends (all rock maniacs) turned his dashboard into a crumbling mess.