if your religous



pray for me my Dr just called and send they need to send me to a cancer center for more specialized tests

Golden Rott

Repeat Offender Pro Bowler
Jet Fanatics
Oh, wow. Good luck with that - hopefully it turns out to be nothing more than a scare. I may not be very religious, but I will say a prayer for you this weekend.

Green Jets & Ham

King Of All Draftniks
Jet Fanatics
I know what you're feeling, uc, I've been living with a pre-cancerous condition for quite some time, I have to get tested yearly, its scary and it never gets any easier. Just said a prayer for you, my friend.


Pro Bowl Alternate
Jet Fanatics
Well, you've already improved your chances of beating this. Statistics show that people of faith are much more likely to overcome serious illness.

Psalm 23 is comforting in times of great peril. We find strength in the presence of God.


5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
I pray it's something that can be monitored, as Ham shared about, which is something I've also been living with for about 4 years. I also beat cancer (Hodgkin's Disease) 34 years back so I know the major concerns and fears you are now facing. Stay strong and POSITIVE (Kick it's ass!!!!) and know we Jet brothers will keep the prayers coming...