Kelvin Beachum's contract is a bargain for Cardinals


Jester Jet
Jets Global
I could not wait to get him off the Jets Beachbum was terrible to say the least......I was sad when the cards got him.


But he played well last year for the cards....No not an all pro but also not a beachbum. He played avg or just above. They said the cards were going to let him go but instead signed him for two years.......I am happy again.

So what happened ...system, coaching????????


Old Wise Tale
Jet Fanatics
I could not wait to get him off the Jets Beachbum was terrible to say the least......I was sad when the cards got him.


But he played well last year for the cards....No not an all pro but also not a beachbum. He played avg or just above. They said the cards were going to let him go but instead signed him for two years.......I am happy again.

So what happened ...system, coaching????????
Seems to be a pattern with the 'offensive' systems we have had over the last two coaching cycles. We plug square pegs into round holes and expect better results. Insanity.