There’s TD number 1 for Mac Jones!


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
he looked just like you know who. the play before that, he got sacked. the defensive player was knocked down as he dove so tackled him below the knees so they called pass interference just like the one time brady ever got hit. they brought up how they made that rule for brady too


Curious George
Jet Fanatics
Watching the game and this kid looks damn good. Hope we find away to rattle him next week or this may be an issue!


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
it's not too hard to look like tom brady when you get to play with his team. and this still isn't even one of the better cheatah teams


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
and the dolphins look pretty good too playing in cheatah land. the afc keeps getting better. too bad we can't bail to the nfc like brady


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
but brady took the outragous luck with him as Jones was about to finish a game winning come back but his running back fumbled it away in fieldgoal range. when brady is qb, nobody fumbles. he is just that good

so we are in a 3 way tie for last. miami with the early lead beating cheatahs at cheatahs on opening day