What the $%# are you looking at on that phone?


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
I attended a HS graduation party recently. The kids disappeared to the living room while the adults sat outside and yammered. As it often happens, one yammerer was yammering in a manner that required relief so I wandered inside to see what the young adults were up to. I found all 8 quiet as mice, TV on in the background and every one of them intently working their phones. So I asked what they were doing with the phones and all I got was a funny look and a return to the absorbing activity of ... doing what?

No criticism here, just curiosity. Electronic yammering? Candy Crush? The JetsFansUnited forum to see if Fitz signed yet? what?

Is it a diabolic pre-invasion plot by aliens to divert the attention of an entire generation while they siphon the world's oceans?


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
I attended a HS graduation party recently. The kids disappeared to the living room while the adults sat outside and yammered. As it often happens, one yammerer was yammering in a manner that required relief so I wandered inside to see what the young adults were up to. I found all 8 quiet as mice, TV on in the background and every one of them intently working their phones. So I asked what they were doing with the phones and all I got was a funny look and a return to the absorbing activity of ... doing what?

No criticism here, just curiosity. Electronic yammering? Candy Crush? The JetsFansUnited forum to see if Fitz signed yet? what?

Is it a diabolic pre-invasion plot by aliens to divert the attention of an entire generation while they siphon the world's oceans?
Could you imagine removing all of your memories and lessons from your childhood and replacing them with Facebook status updates?

No wonder kids live at home in to their 30s, they've missed 18 years of experience.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
They're on social media, specifically, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

OK, sorry for my ignorance but doing what? Kinda like what goes on here? (sorry for the ignorance)

BTW: Found at least one thing these are used for

Went to see Jeff Beck last night at the Felt Forum (or whatever it is called now). Sat in the center but near the back so I could see a significant percentage of the audience recorded the whole thing on their phones, like the fellow in front of me. But he spent his whole time looking at the phone screen to get the shot instead of watching Beck. The crowd for this, of course is older than most so I imagine that the pop crowds must look like a sea of lights from the back.

Side notes: Beck is still a true master and even came up with fresh material for a new album. Buddy Guy opened and put on a display of one of the worst guitar performances I've ever seen a pro put on a stage. All captured in full on phones. The evening made me sad though in that Billy Joel was upstairs in a sold out Garden while an underappreciated virtuoso plays the small room downstairs.

So if I was current, I would be social mediating that? If so, why?

The Wicker Man

Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
I have 4 teenagers and they all use the 3 apps I mentioned above. Basically, it mindless & pointless bs.

People that go to a concert and record the whole show are missing out on so much and i just don't get it. I'll snap a few pictures, but I want to enjoy the show and that's impossible to do if you're recording....not to mention, the quality will most likely suck, too.

I'm glad to hear JB can still shred! He's been at it a long time. I use to have his Wired album back in the day...great stuff!


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Found another thing phones are used for

Got rear ended by a lady who was texting. Ruined an otherwise perfect 15 yr old sports car we are/were trying to keep concours until historical plates. Nobody was hurt which is the only important thing and the folks that hit us are taking steps to have it fixed but it does make one wonder if the penalties for texting and driving are not serious enough. Could it be more dangerous than drunk driving?


Pro Bowl Alternate
Jet Fanatics
They make faces, take a photo, type messages over them and send/post via Snapchat- the most ingenious app ever for wireless providers - replaces thousands of free, 8k texts into GBs of data-sucking funny faces.


5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
The topic makes me think of an incident earlier this week. I'm standing by a file cabinet talking to a colleague and this younger guy walking with his face stuck in his phone comes inches from just walking into me. He got slightly startled ("Oh sorry") and begins to walk away.

I couldn't resist - I called him back. I told him "Look at me...I stand 6' 3" tall, weigh nearly 300 pounds AND I'm wearing a red shirt. Are you telling me your head's stuck so far into that phone you're completely oblivoious of my presence??
For that the nerdy Pokimon hunter had no answer
