So it’s the end of the week .
Trip into the Heart of Darkness
Here’s the deal :
- He will be alone in a room for the duration of the darkness.
- He will be provided with a toilet and a bathtub in the middle of the room.
- He will be provided with food from those running the retreat. It will arrive once a day via a two-way slot in the door.
- The experience will involve "a lot of sleeping."
- He will be sober during the event.
Rodgers also explained that he was not required to stay for the entirety of the event. If he had any sort of issue with his introspective journey, he would be able to call an "audible" and leave the room.
Yes he’s nutty
But I love this guy
Unconventional and all
If he comes to us I just have the best feeling of winning a SB since let’s say
Marks debacle in Cleveland.
I’d love to see it
And maybe take the dark trip
The horror the horror!!!!!