Landscaping Zen


Jet Fanatics
The other day, this person's video showed up on my YT recommendations. Now, I'm addicted. There is such a meditative Zen to watching him work cleaning up abandoned or neglected homes. Never in my life would I have thought watching a guy frame properties with an edger could be this fascinating. Hope you find it interesting as well.



Jet Fanatics
Just watched this one. As someone who was from nothing economically, I just don't understand how you let your home/property get like this. As a kid, I was out every week mowing our lawn (and a few of our neighbors for a few bucks) with a non-motorized, push mower. This crap box looks like it has been neglected for decades.

Favorite part is when he clears all the clogged up drainage at 13:18 in the video. Very impressive patience and shovel work.
