Mods Can Move Heated Discussions Here!


Jack of All Trades
Big Fish
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
or, at least a new sub thread.
call it the Red Light Forum.
It would be a place where the mods (or the posters themselves) could take a thread where there is an argument, so it doesn't sidetrack the purpose of the thread in which it started. (like the Boomer and Gio thread)
It can also be used for gripes that really aren't arguments.
There's one on another board I follow, and it can be quite effective.
Thank You, & Here You Go
Any discussions that get heated can be moved here to this forum.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Well when I saw We now had a Red Light District I though "Wow they finally found a way to give you a Happy Ending over the net. "
Then I see it's for "heated discussion".
What a let down.
Thanks G.


I requested to be BANNED
Jet Fanatics
What a fucked up thread. Mods should move this to the red light forum. Roxanne you don't have to put on the red light..........