OT: What are you reading?



I have gotten alot of good ideas seeing what other people are reading so what say you?



5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
The Circle by Dave Eggers. It's a science fiction novel that chronicles a digital dystopia. It depicts a world run by a powerful Internet corporation and reveals the dangers social media plays on privacy. I highly recommend!



5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
The Plague by Albert Camus. It tells the story of Algerian city of Oran swept by a plague. It asks a number of questions relating to the nature of destiny and the human condition. Really philosophical and super relevant to today's current events.



The Circle by Dave Eggers. It's a science fiction novel that chronicles a digital dystopia. It depicts a world run by a powerful Internet corporation and reveals the dangers social media plays on privacy. I highly recommend!

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That sounds not only interesting but realistic and quite relevant with the recent NSA revelations. Thanks.

I'd like to hear your comments when you finish.


I read Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell and I'm loved it. Will definitely check this out.

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Similar in that its sections take the plot hundreds of years ahead, but chronological in it goes forward not forward and then back as in Cloud Atlas

Both fascinating reads IMO.


That sounds not only interesting but realistic and quite relevant with the recent NSA revelations. Thanks.

I'd like to hear your comments when you finish.

i would be interested in the comments on this book also is it worth the read?


5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
i would be interested in the comments on this book also is it worth the read?

I thought it was a really interesting read. It is a novel so the focus is very much on one particular character's journey as she navigates her new job for this powerful internet cooperation called The Circle. It has a lot of the themes of a dystopia but it lacks a lot of the post-apocalyptic aspects.

The book is relevant to recent NSA revelations because the primary focus of the novel is on privacy and the effects of corporate ownership on it. It also raises questions of ethics regarding privacy and theft.

It starts off seemingly innocent about social media but increasingly becomes about free will and speech and the extent in which a corporation can control that.

Access to information is power and those who disseminate it have the most power. This is really the most scariest aspect of the novel, especially with all that's going on in the world.

You guys should definitely read it.


I thought it was a really interesting read. It is a novel so the focus is very much on one particular character's journey as she navigates her new job for this powerful internet cooperation called The Circle. It has a lot of the themes of a dystopia but it lacks a lot of the post-apocalyptic aspects.

The book is relevant to recent NSA revelations because the primary focus of the novel is on privacy and the effects of corporate ownership on it. It also raises questions of ethics regarding privacy and theft.

It starts off seemingly innocent about social media but increasingly becomes about free will and speech and the extent in which a corporation can control that.

Access to information is power and those who disseminate it have the most power. This is really the most scariest aspect of the novel, especially with all that's going on in the world.

You guys should definitely read it.

Thanks but I'm actually reading the real thing - No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald which documents Snowden's revelations in detail. Heavy stuff.


I thought it was a really interesting read. It is a novel so the focus is very much on one particular character's journey as she navigates her new job for this powerful internet cooperation called The Circle. It has a lot of the themes of a dystopia but it lacks a lot of the post-apocalyptic aspects.

The book is relevant to recent NSA revelations because the primary focus of the novel is on privacy and the effects of corporate ownership on it. It also raises questions of ethics regarding privacy and theft.

It starts off seemingly innocent about social media but increasingly becomes about free will and speech and the extent in which a corporation can control that.

Access to information is power and those who disseminate it have the most power. This is really the most scariest aspect of the novel, especially with all that's going on in the world.

You guys should definitely read it.

thanks i will check for it on amazon kindle.


5th Year Team Option
Jet Fanatics
Thanks but I'm actually reading the real thing - No Place to Hide by Glenn Greenwald which documents Snowden's revelations in detail. Heavy stuff.

I actually was thinking about looking into more nonfiction regarding this topic. What do you think so far? Should I check this out?


Did you read The Draft? How was it?

this is not the kevin costner one that was made into a movie, But so far i like it haven't read it inawhile because i was reading forum books to help us here.


I actually was thinking about looking into more nonfiction regarding this topic. What do you think so far? Should I check this out?

I would never discourage one from seeking the truth. Whatever one feels towards Snowden's illegal confiscation and revelation of classified documents, one ought to know what the government (NSA, in this case), who works for the people in a democracy is doing, much less what it is hiding from even our intelligence oversight committees.

It's powerful stuff and very compelling reading and fully explains Snowden's motivation to expose these programs that clearly violate our right to privacy. The depth of these programs might astound you. I'm only a third of the way through to this point.


Did anyone read the Unbroken? I highly recommend that. Don't watch the movie, read the book. Incredible stuff. Finished it a few weeks ago. One of the better books you'll ever read.

It's based on fact. Quite educational in learning about the shortcomings of WWII.


speaking of war ones one of my fav war ones is also based on a true story
