OT: What are you reading?

The Wicker Man

Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
I'm one of the few that hasn't sen the movie yet. Hopefully, I'll see it soon....the book was very good, not great.


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
Have always been a huge fan of sea stories and naval history since reading "Mutiny on the Bounty", "Men Against the Sea", and "Pitcairn's Island" as a wee tot of 5 - (yeah, it sounds kinda young but I was reading whole encyclopedia sections by age 3 - or so my aunt tells me) - I read a shitload of them over the past year.

Starting with David Weber's Honor Harrington universe (27 novels & counting, reminiscent of C. S. Forester's Horatio Hornblower series), progressing through David Drake's Lt. Leary series (10 & counting, influenced by Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey-Maturin series), on to Taylor Anderson's "Destroyermen" (9 novels with #10 due out in May, 2015), and just lately finished up the 7 novels in David Feintusch's "Nicholas Seafort-Hope" series.
All told it's been a fun Space Opera voyage upon the deeps of intersteller space in 55 novels - comprising about 1/5 of the science fiction I read since 2014 began.
My biggest regret is it's over, having no more novels left to read in any of them, except Anderson's upcoming Destroyermen #10.

Action up the wazoo, plenty of front line scientific theories introduced, and deeply, well drawn, characters by some of America's finest purveyors of fiction.
Honestly, if adventure is at all in your bailiwick, yer screwing yerself every moment you aren't reading all of them.

In the past I read just about everything A. Bertam Chandler ever wrote, specifically his Commander Grimes series of novels , (more space age 'era of sail'-stylized novels, inspired in part by both O'Brian and Forester, written by an actual Australian merchant marine and naval officer). Highly recommended.

I also spent a little time in the past year catching up with an acquaintance of mine's more recent production in the field of science fiction & fantasy.
C. J. Cherryh and I occasionally exchange thoughts on her FB page and lately she's veered off from her long-running Alliance-Union universe novels to focus on a, 15 books so far, series called "Foreigner"/Foreigners". #16 will be released in April, 2015.
Brilliant character creations and a truly worthy construction of an entire alien culture's mindset, based loosely on Earth's own Feudal Japanese Shogun warlords-era majorly, though not exclusively only of that culture.

Once you've read a little of Davis Drake's work, I'm sure you'll find his other works outside the RCN series to also be of interest, especially his "Hammer's Slammers" series.
Merc fiction set far in the future, it ranks as some of the best modern S-F going.
Also recommended is William C. Dietz's "Legion of the Damned" series (9 novels set to a fururistic French Foreign Legion theme) & ANYTHING - every last stitch of writing ever done - by Jack Vance, American's recently deceased finest 20th century author.

For fantasy fans, nothing will scratch that itch better than Marian Zimmer Bradley's 30+ "Darkover" universe novels. Sadly we'll read no more from her either.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
This was a good read on the inner workings of our favorite team(2011 season behind the scenes).

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The Wicker Man

Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn-very good-now I need to see the movie. Maybe, I'll take Geno, has he seen it?

Now reading "Inferno" by Dan Brown. So far, very good.


I have been reading the the bible with the torah teachings along with it


Finished Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn-very good-now I need to see the movie. Maybe, I'll take Geno, has he seen it?

Now reading "Inferno" by Dan Brown. So far, very good.
Inferno was good

Just finished a book call Wine and War about the impacts of the Nazi Occupation on the French wine makers

For those who use e readers there is a site called book bub that offers discount e books daily and then links you to Amazon or Nook or Apple or any one of the others to make the purchase


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
I'm a sci-fi guy. The hitchhikers guide to the universe is my favorite book of all time.
The Enders game series was great too. The movie unfortunately not so much.
Odd Thomas was another good book that didn't translate to the screen too well.
I am a fan of Dan Browns stuff as well.


I'm a sci-fi guy. The hitchhikers guide to the universe is my favorite book of all time.
The Enders game series was great too. The movie unfortunately not so much.
Odd Thomas was another good book that didn't translate to the screen too well.
I am a fan of Dan Browns stuff as well.

I don't know i have never been into sci-fi that much.

Golden Rott

Repeat Offender Pro Bowler
Jet Fanatics
I'm a sci-fi guy. The hitchhikers guide to the universe is my favorite book of all time.
The Enders game series was great too. The movie unfortunately not so much.
Odd Thomas was another good book that didn't translate to the screen too well.
I am a fan of Dan Browns stuff as well.

I used to read a ton of sci fi when I was younger. Asimov, Bradbury, Heinlein among others. Tried to read some of it again a few years ago to see if I could get back into it and I felt like it was reading a text book. Tastes change, I guess. Although I did enjoy The Martian by Andy Weir recently - going to be released as a movie in the fall.

Green Jets & Ham

King Of All Draftniks
Jet Fanatics
Its a little dated, but the underlying premise is timeless and its the funniest sports book I ever read:

Actually its a book devoted to sports fans, particularly fans of teams that haven't won in eons, like Jets fans.

In fact there's a whole chapter devoted to Jets fans and its LOL funny, but the whole book is LOL funny because the feelings he expresses are universal, he talks about things ALL frustrated fans of losing teams can identify with, things all of us have said, thought and done, and he expresses it in a way that will have you in stitches.
