OT: What are you reading?



An interesting book on the corruption of that other football, the boring one, called The Big Fix


The Invisible Man
Big Fish
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
My colleague wrote this book. Still haven't read it yet but has good reviews.



Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
I used to read a ton of sci fi when I was younger. Asimov, Bradbury, Heinlein among others. Tried to read some of it again a few years ago to see if I could get back into it and I felt like it was reading a text book. Tastes change, I guess. Although I did enjoy The Martian by Andy Weir recently - going to be released as a movie in the fall.
It's not so much your tastes, perhaps, as young SF writers are just not mentored as well as those raised by Gernsback and Campbell during the Golden Age.

Most of those writers are themselves dying off and an entire era of great writers is going with them.
I find myself going back and digging out entire libraries of the older writers that I collected and hadn't yet completely read - Jack Vance, Poul Anderson, Farmer, Saberhagen, Leiber, Leinster, etc.
Yeah, the stories are almost silly sometimes, but the excitement is still there.

I tried earlier to list some of the younger people still working the craft of SF, but between the sucky vampire and werewolf crapshitters that swindle by subject matter and not earn with talent, & the shift away from hard SF these days, it's becoming harder and harder to find a new SF author I can stomach.

NONE (very few) of the younger crowd bothers to learn what makes people tick, and their writing comes off like a badly written TV show script now.
Campbell, especially, and Gernsback REQUIRED their writers to submit material that explored the workings of people & construct societies that actually suspended disbelief, rather than deus ex machina insti-fix outcomes.


Arriving on Tuesday in bookstores and on e readers

Lisbeth Salander is BACK!

The Girl in the Spider Web

Not written by Larsson of course but the NYT review yesterday gave it a thumbs up


been reading mostly ebooks lately from amazon............usually on the business side of how things work etc etc




I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
I have been reading the Dan Brown books recently. I have read all except Digital Fortress.

I have always read Terry Brooks and MTV has just started a series about them last week called The Shanara Chronicles. First episode was really good. I was Leary of it being on MTV but Terry is involved in it and it looks to be really good.

If you like that kind of stuff. Lord of the Rings type stuff


Just read Girl in the Spiders Web

Right up there with the three Millenium books by Steig Larssen

Great to have Lisbeth back