Sources: Jets looking to trade WR Robby Anderson


Jester Jet
Jets Global
Other Team -- Ok we will give you a 9th round pick for Anderson...….
Douglas---lol you are trying to trick me again....I know there are only 8 rounds in the draft.

Other team-- Ok an 8th & next years will give you the third year too as we really want him.
Douglas-- You are trying to take advantage of me I want more

Other team -- can't take advantage of you I see....Ok we will thrown in one 7th rounder if you include Adams
Douglas -- throw in a case of twinkies & we have a deal.

Douglas ten minutes later to his staff --- Hey guys i made a great deal & I will share my Twinkies with you all but I need one favor don't tell Adam about that part of the deal.

Staff -- what do we tell the fans sir?
Douglas Just let them eat twinkies & enjoy the game. We have a great halftime show this week. we will fly model plains around the stadium at halftime. wait until they see the flying lawn mower Its a killer.