Sorry but I had to post this again:
IMO and believe we all see it, the Jets didn’t trade for Aaron Rodgers to be the Green Bay packers MVP caliber QB. But that’s exactly what he has had to be to win these last two games and he can no longer do that anymore. He’s probably not even capable of being an above average QB anymore!
They traded for Aaron Rodgers to be an above average QB and he couldn’t even be that over the past two games. This may be my opinion and my opinion only but above average QBs shouldn’t be throwing the ball more that 40 times a game. However; the past two games he thrown the ball over 40 against Denver and 50 against Minnesota.
The rest of the offense has to step up and help him. The OLineman aren’t opening up the holes for the RBs and our 4-young RBs aren’t hitting the holes when they are available. We have 4 RBs under the age of 25, 23 and younger (if I’m correct) and they have been horrible below average this year. There’s just no getting around that!
The WRs aren’t where A-Rod expects them to be or they are just dropping passes, period! Now Rodgers isn’t helping with the mistakes he’s making but he needs help. I feel that average QBs shouldn't be throwing the ball no more than 25 times a game. 30 at the max. Above average QBs shouldn’t be throwing the ball more than 40 times a game.
If my thinking is correct, Rodgers went above that these past two games and they lost. He can’t run the ball anymore to truly avoid the pass rush or pick up first downs. So we can’t add in that factor right now. With this said, the other players have to step up and help Rodgers. The coaching staff needs to as well.
Rodgers clearly just isn’t what he used to be and he truly may not be capable of being an above average QB anymore. Only way to prove that wrong, is for the rest of the team to step up and help him and so far, they are not. After this year, it appears to me that there needs to be an overall haul. Starting with Rodgers, Saleh and Hackett.
Same ole shit, same ole freakin Jets!