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Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Watching the Bucs/Bengals game. It's too bad Glennon is stuck with Winston on TB. I'd take him in a heartbeat. He is a good QB. Puts the ball right in the breadbasket. Made some very nice throws all night.


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
Watching the Bucs/Bengals game. It's too bad Glennon is stuck with Winston on TB. I'd take him in a heartbeat. He is a good QB. Puts the ball right in the breadbasket. Made some very nice throws all night.

FYI Glennon was so highly respected @ NC State, they told Russell Wilson to go ahead and transfer to Wisconsin for his 5th year of eligibility. He is a 6'6" huge pocket passer with a big arm, but no mobility. He's going to rot on the vine with Winston ahead of him down in Tampa.

Go Jets...Cyborg


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
FYI Glennon was so highly respected @ NC State, they told Russell Wilson to go ahead and transfer to Wisconsin for his 5th year of eligibility. He is a 6'6" huge pocket passer with a big arm, but no mobility. He's going to rot on the vine with Winston ahead of him down in Tampa.

Go Jets...Cyborg

That's exactly what I was thinking last night watching him. He's gonna sit on the sideline behind Winston, while 10 teams around the league struggle behind crappy QB play. What a waste. I couldn't believe some of the throws he made last night. Right on the money with timing routes.


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
That's exactly what I was thinking last night watching him. He's gonna sit on the sideline behind Winston, while 10 teams around the league struggle behind crappy QB play. What a waste. I couldn't believe some of the throws he made last night. Right on the money with timing routes.

We have no clue if Mac was interested in Glennon. T.B. price could be too steep. I am sure some teams have inquired.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Ian Rapoport@RapSheet 5h5 hours ago

QB Michael Vick is headed to Pittsburgh to meet with the #Steelers today, source said (as @AdamSchefter reported). His first FA visit.

Golden Rott

Repeat Offender Pro Bowler
Jet Fanatics
Looks like the Falcons were not overly impressed with what their back-ups did against us last week -- they are bringing in Rex Grossman.


Golden Rott

Repeat Offender Pro Bowler
Jet Fanatics
Steelers Fans United!!! Starting a petition against Vick.

Reports surfaced on Tuesday that Michael Vick was headed to Pittsburgh to meet with the Steelers about being the number two quarterback to Ben Rothelisburger after Bruce Gradkowski suffered a dislocated finger. Not too long after that, a petition was started to keep Vick off the Steelers roster, referencing the 35-year-old veteran’s two-stretch in prison for federal dog-fighting charges.

“Michael Vick is a convicted felon and no-class piece of crap. He is also a terrible QB which is why he has no team. Let’s united as Steeler fans – as NFL fans – and stop him from playing on our team! Steelers fans united! Sign to keep Vick from ever wearing the coveted Steelers uniform!!”

I wonder if they started a petition against Roethlisberger when he was accused of rape a few years ago.


The Invisible Man
Big Fish
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Steelers Fans United!!! Starting a petition against Vick.

Reports surfaced on Tuesday that Michael Vick was headed to Pittsburgh to meet with the Steelers about being the number two quarterback to Ben Rothelisburger after Bruce Gradkowski suffered a dislocated finger. Not too long after that, a petition was started to keep Vick off the Steelers roster, referencing the 35-year-old veteran’s two-stretch in prison for federal dog-fighting charges.

“Michael Vick is a convicted felon and no-class piece of crap. He is also a terrible QB which is why he has no team. Let’s united as Steeler fans – as NFL fans – and stop him from playing on our team! Steelers fans united! Sign to keep Vick from ever wearing the coveted Steelers uniform!!”

I wonder if they started a petition against Roethlisberger when he was accused of rape a few years ago.

Prob not. LOL, they looked the other way.

In other news, Osi is retiring today as a Giant.


Old Wise Tale
Jet Fanatics
Brian Hoyer beating out Mallett in Texas was a bit surprising to me. I thought the big strong armed kid had a shot, but maybe he's just another example of ex-Pats QBs doing zero once they leave Captain Video's team.


When your QB competition comes down to two "Next Brady HOFers" you have to know you are in deep doo doo.