Update: Deshaun Watson is as confused as we all are


I requested to be BANNED
Jet Fanatics
If anyone is interested, here is the press confrence held by the Womans attorney. The # of cases filed is up to 12, with 10 more women who have also come forward bringing the number of women up to 22. The 12 who have filed suit have all filed for the minimum amount allowed by Texas law. $500 each, so they are not seeking big paydays.


Old Wise Tale
Jet Fanatics
Unless this attorney is completely full of shit, I'm thinking a slap on the wrist (4 game suspension) won't be sufficient for the NFL. This has the makings of a Michael Vick type punishment.


I requested to be BANNED
Jet Fanatics
Unless this attorney is completely full of shit, I'm thinking a slap on the wrist (4 game suspension) won't be sufficient for the NFL. This has the makings of a Michael Vick type punishment.
Now that more women are coming forward, and more details are emerging, have to agree.


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
if that shit is true, he is screwed. and he should be. or, if it's not true, then I wonder how much the texans are paying these women to make this up and only ask for $500 so it looks like they don't want money. if that were the case though, and he gets suspended, then he plays for no one next year


Mr. Know it All
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
It’s funny how this kid had a stellar reputation until he decided he wanted out nd then the sky falls on him .
If any of this is factual then he should pay with his career, his freedom and his bank account but if it’s all made up then some people need to have the same action done to them .


Jack of All Trades
Big Fish
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
some one said that this could be the Houston Texans trying to prove a point...

not only is the attorney a friend of the team he seems to be pulling accusers left and right out of thin air...

if true so be it then hope the city of Houston steps in and charges him if there is a true crime committed...


I requested to be BANNED
Jet Fanatics
if that shit is true, he is screwed. and he should be. or, if it's not true, then I wonder how much the texans are paying these women to make this up and only ask for $500 so it looks like they don't want money. if that were the case though, and he gets suspended, then he plays for no one next year


I requested to be BANNED
Jet Fanatics
It’s funny how this kid had a stellar reputation until he decided he wanted out nd then the sky falls on him .
If any of this is factual then he should pay with his career, his freedom and his bank account but if it’s all made up then some people need to have the same action done to them .
So did Bill Cosby...
Dont know what happened between Watson and those women and will not judge either side without knowing more facts, even then, we will never know the real truth. But Watson did put himself in very compromising situations, at least a dozen times. He has a full staff of professionals trainers and masseurs available to him 24 hours a day, free, in a safe setting , yet he sought out women from Instagram , and local spa. This also wasn't sudden, started back in September when he was approachedwitha settlement. Houston would have had no reason to want to smear him then , could it be why he suddenly wanted out ?
I hope it turns out false , really like Watson . Hes done so much charitable work in his community and always seemed like a good young man. Time will tell


Jester Jet
Jets Global
So did Bill Cosby...
Dont know what happened between Watson and those women and will not judge either side without knowing more facts, even then, we will never know the real truth. But Watson did put himself in very compromising situations, at least a dozen times. He has a full staff of professionals trainers and masseurs available to him 24 hours a day, free, in a safe setting , yet he sought out women from Instagram , and local spa. This also wasn't sudden, started back in September when he was approachedwitha settlement. Houston would have had no reason to want to smear him then , could it be why he suddenly wanted out ?
I hope it turns out false , really like Watson . Hes done so much charitable work in his community and always seemed like a good young man. Time will tell
It is part of the times we live in...hard to tell who is telling the truth out there


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Sucks huh? 7th rounder for watson? Lol, sorry couldn't resist. I Mean lm a Jet Fan. Don't get on your high horse and give me shit either.......... You know it crossed your mind too. Peace.


Retired but not Tired
Jet Fanatics
Trouble is............guilty or innocent, he could be tied up in legal action for years with as many lawsuits as have been filed against him with more possibly to come. All represented by the same attorney, fancy that. Sad situation to say the least.


Happily Confused
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Deshaun Watson’s Lawyer Claims To Have ‘Strong Evidence’ Against Allegations


Old Wise Tale
Jet Fanatics
Deshaun Watson’s Lawyer Claims To Have ‘Strong Evidence’ Against Allegations
Its a he said / she said thing so its gonna be tough in the current climate. My guess though is that the evidence has to indicate somehow that the acts were consensual.