Aaron Rodgers


Retired but not Tired
Jet Fanatics
Well................not to be the one to cause further anxiety......................it's starting to look like that if the Jets do miss out on Rogers they will now have a crack at Jackson, at a high price of course.


Curious George
Jet Fanatics
Well................not to be the one to cause further anxiety......................it's starting to look like that if the Jets do miss out on Rogers they will now have a crack at Jackson, at a high price of course.
I’d say he should have been there #1 target all along. Although I do have to admit the cost in trade value to get him I’m not gonna like at all. What they will have to pay him is just the going rate for a QB his caliber and it just is what it is on that one!


I've Lost My Fucking Mind
Superior Ass
Jets Global
I’ve had enough of this already. I’m annoyed by it. It’s not fun, and it’s gone on too long already

I say we offer conditional picks for him that only take affect if he wins the super bowl for us. They can pick any 5 guys or draft picks from us. Heck why stop at 5? Why not make it 10?

That way it will cost us nothing but money


Jester Jet
Jets Global
I’d say he should have been there #1 target all along. Although I do have to admit the cost in trade value to get him I’m not gonna like at all. What they will have to pay him is just the going rate for a QB his caliber and it just is what it is on that one!
Maybe if we give them becton it will tip the scales...in this trade


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Yesterday's question: Derek Carr, would you rather play in New Orleans or New Jersey?

Today's question: Aaron Rodgers, would you rather play in Las Vegas or New Jersey?


Retired but not Tired
Jet Fanatics
Coon cat says ?

Coon cat says odds are getting better for you but don't place any bets yet. History shows that the Jets are frequently let down by situations that look like sure things. He also suggest that you purchase a box of adult diapers to have on hand because he is sure that if you hear that Rogers has joined the Jets you will wet yourself. Coon cat says...................


Jester Jet
Jets Global
Yesterday's question: Derek Carr, would you rather play in New Orleans or New Jersey?

Today's question: Aaron Rodgers, would you rather play in Las Vegas or New Jersey?
Tomorrows question would you rather watch next years Jets QB or go to a topless bar?


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
Tomorrows question would you rather watch next years Jets QB or go to a topless bar?
I'm not a do-gooder by any stretch of the imagination but I ain't paid for sex, or paid to see a stripper and never stepped foot in a topless bar or a lap dancing club for good measure.

I am married so technically I fall at the first hurdle lol but next years Jets for me :smileup:


Jester Jet
Jets Global
I'm not a do-gooder by any stretch of the imagination but I ain't paid for sex, or paid to see a stripper and never stepped foot in a topless bar or a lap dancing club for good measure.

I am married so technically I fall at the first hurdle lol but next years Jets for me :smileup:
I take it your wife was sitting next to you at the table. lol


Jester Jet
Jets Global
I'm not a do-gooder by any stretch of the imagination but I ain't paid for sex, or paid to see a stripper and never stepped foot in a topless bar or a lap dancing club for good measure.

I am married so technically I fall at the first hurdle lol but next years Jets for me :smileup:
Same here but I must ask you did you set two feet inside one? lol


Jet Fanatics
Maybe Jenn can put in a good word with Rodgers? She's handled Packers before so should be able to assist with the negotiations.


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
Same here but I must ask you did you set two feet inside one? lol
lol very good

Oddly I have seen a male stripper show but and the kicker is, I was the bouncer to keep the woman from getting backstage, I think it put me right off, I was only 19yo at the time.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Reports are Jets brass are on woody’s plane to meet with him personally. That they had an interview yesterday means that they have permission from GB and most times at least preliminary trade terms have been settled on.