Around The NFL


Old Wise Tale
Jet Fanatics
I'm interested in seeing how the entire group of holdover DBs, as well as other D position groups, will be evaluated and utilized by the new coaching staff. With a new set of eyes sometimes a player gets used in a way that suits his particular skillset, and becomes a valuable piece. That is what excites me the most about our coaching change with Bowles and Co. I feel that too many times Rex squeezed a player to fit his defense vs to fit his skills, thus underutilizing that player. Coples and Pryor come to mind.


What if the Chiefs tagged Houston with a 1st round tender.
If the Jets were to sign him to an offer they'd have to give up the #6 over all pick. Would that be something worth exploring. Would you want to give up the 6th pick for a probowl pass rusher like Houston?
I'm not sure that going into FA that he can even be tagged with a 1st round designation, just something to chew on.

nah I still would resign snacks to a friendly deal to may cooks in the kitchen could be bad news.

They resign snacks to a decent deal then it will be easier to work out a contract with wilk and shel and keep them longer, we throw houston in the mix it will be a short rental as we would have to let one go within a few years either by trade or FA.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
What if the Chiefs tagged Houston with a 1st round tender.
If the Jets were to sign him to an offer they'd have to give up the #6 over all pick. Would that be something worth exploring. Would you want to give up the 6th pick for a probowl pass rusher like Houston?
I'm not sure that going into FA that he can even be tagged with a 1st round designation, just something to chew on.
Not sure it makes sense, but I think about it this way, if you draft a 1st round worthy lb it's a gamble somewhat that they will have the impact you project. Think of it as drafting Houston in his prime with the#6 that's not bad. The only downside is draft picks are cheap for a couple years.


Not sure it makes sense, but I think about it this way, if you draft a 1st round worthy lb it's a gamble somewhat that they will have the impact you project. Think of it as drafting Houston in his prime with the#6 that's not bad. The only downside is draft picks are cheap for a couple years.

you can't think of it like this because houston's contract and a rookie are so far apart houston's contract will impact you on signing other key FA's

with the rookie scale now set teams already have set money aside for this years rookie class, which has little impact on the ability to offer new contracts to FA's in other areas of need.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
you can't think of it like this because houston's contract and a rookie are so far apart houston's contract will impact you on signing other key FA's

with the rookie scale now set teams already have set money aside for this years rookie class, which has little impact on the ability to offer new contracts to FA's in other areas of need.
That's why I included that as a caveat. As far as on the field is like drafting a sure thing in his prime.


That's why I included that as a caveat. As far as on the field is like drafting a sure thing in his prime.

true but you have to remember you also have "drafted" a player with a lot of "NFL" mileage on him also so it works both ways.

If we were 12-4 last year and 1 or 2 steps away I say sure go ahead give up a 6th for him but we were 4-12 we have alot more holes needing filled with that money.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
true but you have to remember you also have drafted a player with a lot of "NFL" mileage on him also so it works both ways.
Well yes, but that's the give and take that must be weighed. For example, a guy like Calvin Pryor, say he's a top 10 safety in his prime. You draft him, he shows potential for a couple years while progressively improving, his his prime for a couple years, then demands big money on the decline of his career. You're cutting out the growing pains and the over paid declining years and just getting his prime. A4 or 5 year contract means you're together 2 or 3 years most before you can cut him if you need too.

With that said I'm not talking about blowing your cap on one guy, but you need to have some mix of game changers to elevate your average roster in this era.


Well yes, but that's the give and take that must be weighed. For example, a guy like Calvin Pryor, say he's a top 10 safety in his prime. You draft him, he shows potential for a couple years while progressively improving, his his prime for a couple years, then demands big money on the decline of his career. You're cutting out the growing pains and the over paid declining years and just getting his prime. A4 or 5 year contract means you're together 2 or 3 years most before you can cut him if you need too.

With that said I'm not talking about blowing your cap on one guy, but you need to have some mix of game changers to elevate your average roster in this era.

for a top 5 team on the edge I would agree. but for a 4-12 team we already have some game changers wilk,sheldon, possibly pryor now we need to build around them and get a team that has depth that can absorb injuries.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
What if the Chiefs tagged Houston with a 1st round tender.
If the Jets were to sign him to an offer they'd have to give up the #6 over all pick. Would that be something worth exploring. Would you want to give up the 6th pick for a probowl pass rusher like Houston?
I'm not sure that going into FA that he can even be tagged with a 1st round designation, just something to chew on.

Signing a player who's received the franchise tag requires giving up two #1 draft picks. Not worth it.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
for a top 5 team on the edge I would agree. but for a 4-12 team we already have some game changers wilk,sheldon, possibly pryor now we need to build around them and get a team that has depth that can absorb injuries.
Well the prevailing thought is that teams turn over on 3 year cycles now. Of course you have some core players that survive. But assume mac has this year to build a foundation, then 3 years that we should be competitive, then we're looking at a partial teardown again. So a Houston, could be in that mix for the next 4 or 5 years before we dump payroll again.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
What if the Chiefs tagged Houston with a 1st round tender.
If the Jets were to sign him to an offer they'd have to give up the #6 over all pick. Would that be something worth exploring. Would you want to give up the 6th pick for a probowl pass rusher like Houston?
I'm not sure that going into FA that he can even be tagged with a 1st round designation, just something to chew on.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Agreed, but there's two tags, only one is a franchise the other is a"tag". Is Houston officially franchised, or expected to be?

The two tags are franchise and transition. The tenders only apply to players with less than four years in the league(for example, we could tender Snacks). No tags have been applied yet, but the prevailing belief is that Houston will get the franchise tag.


Well the prevailing thought is that teams turn over on 3 year cycles now. Of course you have some core players that survive. But assume mac has this year to build a foundation, then 3 years that we should be competitive, then we're looking at a partial teardown again. So a Houston, could be in that mix for the next 4 or 5 years before we dump payroll again.

ok going by your theory who are you willing to lose over that 4 year span

2016 contracts up






we would have to lose a few of these good guys or guys with potential if we brought houston in


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
ok going by your theory who are you willing to lose over that 4 year span

2016 contracts up






we would have to lose a few of these good guys or guys with potential if we brought houston in

Not that I feel adding Houston would cause us to lose all those players, especially if you front load the deal; however, if you told me adding Houston would mean we'd have to move on one day from Coples, Milliner, Allen, and in 2018 maybe Pryor and/or brick (he's be mid 30s by then)...I'd be okay with that...

The guys have more sacks in the last 3 years than any other player, is 26, and has 0 penalties the last 2 seasons...he has the potential to set the single season sack record...

But if we front load his contract after resigning Wilk and harrison, we should be fine...and add another piece like Franklin, Maxwell, or smaller piece like Cro...even after resigning Harrison, Wilk, and setting $12 mill for the draft aside, we'll have about $38 mill to spend...that easily enough room to lock up Houston, Spiller, and another impact FA.

I think Jets have room for 3 $10 mill per year players, but will likely sign 1 player in that range and 3-4 for far less like Spiller, Cro, and an OL player worth discussing...


Jet Fanatic
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
I tag on Wilson more than anyone but for his role as a third CB he isn't too shabby. If he gets paid like one, I am okay with him staying. Not sure if there's room though Bc now for third CB he will be competing with Milliner and McDougle.

I can see that, and once shared that opinion, but my problem with Wilson is this: He had the most rah-rah coach in the league, the most "my players are great" coach, and yet when everyone else got hurt, guys off the street were being given the starting gig over him. He didn't merit a promotion over guys who had been cut by other teams. That's pretty rough.


retired Veteran
Jet Fanatics
I tag on Wilson more than anyone but for his role as a third CB he isn't too shabby. If he gets paid like one, I am okay with him staying. Not sure if there's room though Bc now for third CB he will be competing with Milliner and McDougle.

I am sorry but I have to disagree. Wilson never ever turns his head around - everyr - and usually gives way to much room to cover. As one posted stated maybe Rex will take him.. if that was true, I'd fly back to jersey to help pack his bags and drive him to the AP.