Jets Draft Picks ?


Jet Setter

actually, i'd bet that HYATT could shiv-two-gits about it, to use the HYATT lexicon.

jet setter, these guys have been posting on the same board for many years. as a former moderator on scout, trust me when i say it's harmless stuff. now it's not my place to set the tone here, but i think elias and uc and others are doing a great job. speaking as a long-time former mod, you need to know when to pick your battles.

I get all that. If they raised a finger to actually ask someone instead of assuming this was okay. I'd let it go. How do they KNOW it wasn't a personal attack? Looked like it to me. Looked like it to anyone reading his response. But they did nothing except attack the messenger (me) which, as you see, I took exception to.

They KNEW it was a joke. Whatever.


Whoop-de-frickin-do!!! Send me to timeout! Ha ha ha!!!!

I'm a dick for standing up for another poster. Think about that. And you want to lecture me about speaking proper since you were showing me an important message. As for your message, you try to illustrate some stupid little point about "things could be worse on other sites" and repeating it ad nauseum. It's not relevant and at the very least, as simpleton as they come. I should be grateful? That's a joke.

well after the time-out feel free to go to another board. It's funny but everyone says it is no big deal but you must be the right one.

if you feel our board is to lax start your own.

Jet Setter

well after the time-out feel free to go to another board. It's funny but everyone says it is no big deal but you must be the right one.

if you feel our board is to lax start your own.

No, I think I'll stay here just to annoy you. How bout them apples?


Transition Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Cy and Hyatt go way back. They banter back and forth, but no malice is ever meant. Cy does go a little hard sometimes, but Hyatt gets even :)

I get all that. If they raised a finger to actually ask someone instead of assuming this was okay. I'd let it go. How do they KNOW it wasn't a personal attack? Looked like it to me. Looked like it to anyone reading his response. But they did nothing except attack the messenger (me) which, as you see, I took exception to.

They KNEW it was a joke. Whatever.

perhaps you missed the post by football51 (who was also a mod on scout)


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
Wow........... this escalated now didn't it? Okay, back to those Jets draft picks. If Gregory isn't an option for us now, and Fowler/Beasley are gone, I wonder if trading down is the best option. I'm not a big fan of Ray, and six appears too high for Dupree at this time. I really don't see us going wr in the first.


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
ucrenegade & Elias, Thanks for backing me up on this clown Jet Setter going off on me like a school girl ! I have never been suspended by Mods on any of the numerous Jet boards I've been on all these years, nor ever told a Mod to F-off ! Hyatt and I are friends who PM each other quite often, and he likes to rattle my chain by calling us the New Jersey Jets which does piss me off.

Let's keep one thing in mind here, Bob Hyatt is a Wisconsin Packer fan first and foremost, then he loves the Jacksonville Jags next. He actually goes to quite a few teams boards and tells anyone that will listen, why he knows more about their team than they do. That's where it ends with Cyborg, without boasting, I know more than most about the NY Jets. My Dad took me to the Titan games before they were the Jets, and we never missed a game in Shea Stadium. I'm an ex player in H.S & College, so I love the game and the Jets. I don't know what crawled up Jet Setter's a$$, but he'll have time to think about it while he's suspended from this great new Jet board. Thanks Mods for your support. Cy

Go Jets...Cyborg


I look at the old scout people and their relationships and it reminds me of the movie grumpy old men lol


Jet Fanatic
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
It's not even funny. I don't need any examples of bad posts.

And where is Sack Exchange? I'm ready to throttle this character.

Are you kidding me?

So which should I put aside to be here 24/7? The doctoral dissertation I defended this week that I was doing last revisions on, or the family from 6 1/2 hours away visiting?

I'm sorry if I was not on here every second. My apologies if that has upset you.


The Invisible Man
Big Fish
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Are you kidding me?

So which should I put aside to be here 24/7? The doctoral dissertation I defended this week that I was doing last revisions on, or the family from 6 1/2 hours away visiting?

I'm sorry if I was not on here every second. My apologies if that has upset you.

Sack, WTF man!! you promised to do this 24/7 and quit your job to moderate. Look what happened without you here! All hell broke loose.

Don't listen to him. He's a great poster but cares way too much about personal attacks that go on here even though none of them apply to him. Unreal.


Jet Fanatic
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Sack, WTF man!! you promised to do this 24/7 and quit your job to moderate. Look what happened without you here! All hell broke loose.

Don't listen to him. He's a great poster but cares way too much about personal attacks that go on here even though none of them apply to him. Unreal.

He seems to be a bit sensitive, always calling out other posters, reporting stuff, etc.

I want you to double my salary if I have to deal with guys like him 24/7. Let's see, $0 doubled is...


He seems to be a bit sensitive, always calling out other posters, reporting stuff, etc.

I want you to double my salary if I have to deal with guys like him 24/7. Let's see, $0 doubled is...

don't know i failed math............e=mc2?


don't know i failed math............e=mc2?
I can help with the maths as a special highly paid consultant, as needed.

I am highly qualified as I was a CPA in my working days. However, for the sake of fairness and full disclosure, in my case it pretty much stood for "Couldn't Pass Arithmetic"[emoji3]


Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
HYATT™ works diligently to be a good forum citizen, always trying to stay inside both the letter and the spirit of forum rules.
HYATT™ comes under attack more often than almost any single poster on any forum, because he does not censor his posts to avoid offending homers & jersey worshipers & particularly because the subjects HYATT™ discusses - in the 3rd person and using green font - are subjects many fans want to avoid or feel uncomfortable discussing.
HYATT™ does not recognize "off limits" signage, ever.

BECAUSE HYATT™ has endured so many attacks over so many years, his skills in dealing with them have evolved through several stages - from counter-attacking, to sarcasm, to subtle payback so gentle the person getting paid back doesn't even get a clue they have just been made a total fool of, to simply ignoring most of them now.
It's just not worth the effort to engage with fools, they have more experience at it than HYATT™ does.
On the rare occasions HYATT™ has SERIOUSLY undertaken payback, almost every one of those posters is no longer seen on that board - too embarrassed to show themselves any longer in most cases, outright banned for rules violations in others.
HYATT™ really isn't a good person to piss off - and that's not meant as a threat, it's just a fact.

HYATT™ uses the symbol for good and sound reasons, which he has explained many many times. If some of you don't KNOW the reasons, then ask, or STFU, because either way it's immaterial to the content HYATT™ does post.
cy knows why, which is why he felt comfortable posting what he did, knowing HYATT™ knows he knows.

Jet Setter, while HYATT™ appreciates the SPIRIT of your defense of HYATT™ or any other poster - and is sure it comes from a good place, caring for the quality of the board you are a member of, (especially so here, after the other events that transpired on JI and scout), HYATT™ is one poster who can fend for himself quite adequately - not that you are expected to know that yet, just meeting HYATT™ recently.

Technically cy should not have posted what he did, even though it was accepted by HYATT™ in equanimity because of an existing "grumpy old men" relationship that does exist in this case.
However, OTHERS on this board may not be aware of such an interpersonal relationship and take it out of context as an ad hominem or personal attack, and letting it stand sets the APPEARANCE of accepting that behavior, which we all are trying to avoid repeating from other places.
Knowing cy as I do, he's not one to delve into the politics overly much & I'm sure he never stopped to consider that aspect. His conduct began as innocent and until someone else got into what he considered his and my business, remained blissfully unaware of the potentiality such a comment might ignite.

Now he is aware, will likely walk on eggshells for a while, and that is not something HYATT™ is comfortable with.
Good discourse begins with being able to say things that may not necessarily be comfortable or viewed as agreeable by all parties - but having an atmosphere where once said, such things can be hammered out CIVILLY, by first ASSUMING good will until repeat behavior demonstrates otherwise - is NECESSARY to having good, intelligent debates on all issues.



Pro Bowl 1st Team
Jet Fanatics
Hyatt, Being the grumpy old man you are, and me being the Alpha NY Jet male, I apologize if I personally offended you in any way. With that said, I still don't agree with you on your NY Jet mock draft above and here's why:
1) Alvin Dupree DE/OLB 6'4"/260 from Kentucky is a small reach @ 6 I understand, because after Gregory went down in "smoke", it will probably push Beasley 6'3"/235 to the top 5 out of our reach. If we went outside pass rusher, I think we have our sites on Beasley, but might have to settle for Dupree.
2) I love Eli Harold DE/OLB 6'4"/250 from UVA, and I have him @ 37 in all my mock drafts, but I highly doubt we go back to back OLB's with our two first picks ? Our offense has not been rewarded in the draft since Sanchez many moons ago, and it needs some love with a WR, QB, T, G, RB. So if we go Dupree @ 6, I see Sammy Coates or DBG WR's or a strong RB like Gordon, Gurley or Ajayi or even a stud OL here, but not 2 OLB's back to back.
3) Here's my biggest disagreement with our 3rd (70) pick you have us taking Darren Waller WR/TE 6'6"/240 from Georgia Tech. This is a HUGE REACH here, in that he is not even ranked in the top 25 of WR's in this class. I know you love to predict "sleeper picks", but this is a total reach.
4) I don't have a problem here with Sean Mannion QB going in the 4th round (104) because this kid is huge @ 6'5"/230 with an average arm.
5) Traded
6) Traded
7) I have to question you going back to the QB well again here ? Brandon Bridge another big 6'5"/235 QB is actually a better QB athletically than Mannion, but why waste another draft pick on another QB. I'm cool with your 7B pick of G Max Garcia 6'4"/305 from Florida.

Again Bob,I'm sorry my rebuttal to your Jet mock turned into World War 111 because of some crazed fan who thought I was mean to you. I think we know better; however, being on a new Jet board I need to be more careful with my comments. Peace brother. Cy

Go Jets...Cyborg


In my opinion, and in the opinion of at least one other board I read, the best way to handle third party complaints of this nature is to report the post to a moderator. They consider responding in kind to be baiting, and that constitutes trolling under their rules. Admittedly, they are stricter about their terms of service there, but the point remains: report it to a mod, don't reply on the thread, and let the mods enforce the rules! If you aren't a mod, it isn't up to you how the rules are enforced!

The administrators here can decide their own rules and limits of personal conduct. Just a bit of insight into how at least one other board handles issues like this.


The Invisible Man
Big Fish
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
In my opinion, and in the opinion of at least one other board I read, the best way to handle third party complaints of this nature is to report the post to a moderator. They consider responding in kind to be baiting, and that constitutes trolling under their rules. Admittedly, they are stricter about their terms of service there, but the point remains: report it to a mod, don't reply on the thread, and let the mods enforce the rules! If you aren't a mod, it isn't up to you how the rules are enforced!

The administrators here can decide their own rules and limits of personal conduct. Just a bit of insight into how at least one other board handles issues like this.

Thanks Johnny. To be fair, he did report this post among others but we didn't see too much wrong with it that warranted action. If I see a repeat behavior then we act on it.


Thanks Johnny. To be fair, he did report this post among others but we didn't see too much wrong with it that warranted action. If I see a repeat behavior then we act on it.

and not only that we did take action and explain our policies of why this wasn't a big deal.

We know everyone is not going to be 100 percent happy but we are doing the best we can and the cool thing is all 3 of us have the same vision for the board and how we want to handle these things.

Believe me we are not playing favorites but you do have to take into account the different dynamics and past relationships.

the best thing we can say is to pm any of us including any of the mods and if the mods are unsure about that then they can pm us.


with that being said getting back to the draft picks I will use one of my drafts i did and again this includes if we don't make any trades.

Your Picks:
Round 1 Pick 6: Alvin Dupree, DE/OLB, Kentucky (A)
Round 2 Pick 5: Bryce Petty, QB, Baylor (C-)
Round 3 Pick 6: Tre' Jackson, OG, Florida State (A-)
Round 4 Pick 5: David Cobb, RB, Minnesota (A)
Round 7 Pick 6: Stefon Diggs, WR, Maryland (A)
Round 7 Pick 7: Kyle Loomis, P, Portland State (A)


i think the dupree/petty are a little high but they fill huge needs. I still think fitz can give us 2 good years and honestly I would rather petty learn behind fitz than geno.

So we sit petty for 2 years under the tutelage of fitz and in 2 years petty should be close to being the franchise qb we need and have waited for.


retired Veteran
Jet Fanatics
I was thoroughly entertained by the comments:hijacked:....

I know both Hyatt and Cy's and are both PITA - smile just kidding! not really :smiley-cool11:... Sack how could you and you want a raise? WT* you sound like my ex-wife wanting more alimony. And then there is Ellas, UC hobs, etc all quite eloquent and logical trying their hardest to keep cool while this poster responds like a petulant child.... and as a final act we JB adding his opinion regarding 3rd party complaints....