


Maybe we have a separate forum for politics. It's how it was handled on the old scout. Those who chose to venture there knew what they were getting into. Those who left it alone did not have to deal with it.

That could be one solution.

yeah we will have a politics board


In the United States people put 10x more of their energy into being rich and famous than helping people in their communities.

Well, we are a free capitalistic system, and that's what makes the US a great country, and why people are crashing out borders. That and to get in on the all the freebies their not entitled to.

We are about to start an election cycle, and be bombarded by this crap 24-7. One of the reasons i like to come to Jets sites is to get away from. "This message is approved by Bozo the Clown, candidate for US senate in (fill in state).

If you don't think this junk doesn't carry over to hatred on the main board, just ask GJ&H (who I think is a great Jets poster) how well
discussing his political views worked for him at JI.

If you like making "bleeding heart" posts, the Huffington Post is calling your name.

Myself, I prefer to come to Jets sites to discuss Jets football. (What a novel idea) Believe me there is more then enough animosity to go around just in that.

I'll play, till I get bored (progressive's amuse me) but I have a feeling my posts won't amuse many here.

Again like I said, it's none of my business


Jet Fanatic
The Mod Squad
Jet Fanatics
Jets Global
Last night I saw my first campaign ad. Now, I'm a political junkie. Chair of one of the two major parties in my town. Have held local elected office. Doctorate in history. All that stuff.

But even I can't rationalize that, last night, I saw my first presidential 2016 TV ad.


Franchise Tagged
Jet Fanatics
None of my business I suppose, but these political based threads always end in disaster.

If your wise you'll delete it. But like I said it's none of my business

Always. It may start civil, but it's ends up nasty. My opinion, put it in another forum, or just forbid politics.


Always. It may start civil, but it's ends up nasty. My opinion, put it in another forum, or just forbid politics.

Put my vote in the forbid politics column. It always spills over to the main board. Oh that's right we don't get a vote.

WHAT AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


Put my vote in the forbid politics column. It always spills over to the main board. Oh that's right we don't get a vote.

WHAT AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
My ID is sg3 and I approve this post from flgreen



Transition Tagged
Jet Fanatics
put me down in the column that nothing good can come from political talk on the main forum


Put my vote in the forbid politics column. It always spills over to the main board. Oh that's right we don't get a vote.

WHAT AN INJUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

can't vote for everything we wouldn't get nothing accomplished lol


Jets Groupie
Jet Fanatics
Well, we are a free capitalistic system, and that's what makes the US a great country, and why people are crashing out borders. That and to get in on the all the freebies their not entitled to.

We are about to start an election cycle, and be bombarded by this crap 24-7. One of the reasons i like to come to Jets sites is to get away from. "This message is approved by Bozo the Clown, candidate for US senate in (fill in state).

If you don't think this junk doesn't carry over to hatred on the main board, just ask GJ&H (who I think is a great Jets poster) how well
discussing his political views worked for him at JI.

If you like making "bleeding heart" posts, the Huffington Post is calling your name.

Myself, I prefer to come to Jets sites to discuss Jets football. (What a novel idea) Believe me there is more then enough animosity to go around just in that.

I'll play, till I get bored (progressive's amuse me) but I have a feeling my posts won't amuse many here.

Again like I said, it's none of my business

We unfortunately have more than enough bleeding hearts in the world. (and Rolling Stone journalists) .I will do my best to stay off politics


We unfortunately have more than enough bleeding hearts in the world. (and Rolling Stone journalists) .I will do my best to stay off politics

I think I've made it clear, I think politics are Death to a football board. Bad idea.

With that said there are few things in the world I enjoy more then pissing progressives off


Women in Europe and North America spend $19 billion a year on make up, which eventually gets washed down the sink while people starve.


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - A nationwide warrant is out for a Minnesota couple who allegedly received over $167,000 in public assistance while living on a $1.2 million yacht in Florida,


ORLANDO, Fla. — An Orlando woman was arrested after investigators said, for years, she scammed taxpayers out of tens of thousands of dollars in food stamps and cash assistance, while she was making about $45,000 a year.


Over the last three decades, welfare policies have been informed by popular beliefs that welfare fraud is rampant the boundaries between the welfare system and the criminal justice system have blurred—so much so that in some locales prosecution caseloads for welfare fraud exceed welfare caseloads


The welfare system, in theory, is supposed to be temporary and help people when they are down on their luck. But in practice, it has created an entire class of citizens who refuse to work and live off the work of others. In many minority communities, with the number of single-parent households skyrocketing, the state often takes the place of the father.


i believe it the welfare system def needs to be revamped