In the United States people put 10x more of their energy into being rich and famous than helping people in their communities.
Well, we are a free capitalistic system, and that's what makes the US a great country, and why people are crashing out borders. That and to get in on the all the freebies their not entitled to.
We are about to start an election cycle, and be bombarded by this crap 24-7. One of the reasons i like to come to Jets sites is to get away from. "This message is approved by Bozo the Clown, candidate for US senate in (fill in state).
If you don't think this junk doesn't carry over to hatred on the main board, just ask GJ&H (who I think is a great Jets poster) how well
discussing his political views worked for him at JI.
If you like making "bleeding heart" posts, the Huffington Post is calling your name.
Myself, I prefer to come to Jets sites to discuss Jets football. (What a novel idea) Believe me there is more then enough animosity to go around just in that.
I'll play, till I get bored (progressive's amuse me) but I have a feeling my posts won't amuse many here.
Again like I said, it's none of my business